Awards Nomination Reminder - May 1, 2023, 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time, is the deadline to submit nominations online for the 2023 National Cooperative Extension Awards. All 76 land-grant institutions are urged to participate in the program. The gateway website for full details is
NEDA Meeting Update - Until the launch of registration next month, visit for the most recent details of the 2023 NEDA Meeting October 10-12 - save the date! Extension Deans, Directors and Administrators, members of the Cooperative Extension Section are invited to view the latest details released by Planning Committee:
--> Chair Barbara Petty, University of Idaho
--> Patty Coleman, Northern Marianas College (West)
--> Andra Johnson, University of Florida (South)
--> Bill Miller, University of Massachusetts-Amherst (Northeast)
--> Jackie Wilkins, Ohio State University (North Central)
--> Janine P. Woods, Virginia State University (1890s)