Monday, April 10, 2023

New Member of ECOP Karl Martin

Karl MartinThe North Central Region has appointed Karl Martin, Dean and Director, Division of Extension, University of Wisconsin-Madison, as their latest member of ECOP. Early in his tenure as Director of Extension, Karl participated in ECOP's CES Capital Quest Event in Washington. From then on, he has amplified his capacity for national leadership by serving as a voting member of the ECOP Budget & Legislative Committee, Chair of the Executive Director Search and Screen Committee, and as a panelist in thought leadership sessions for NEDA Meetings and First Friday Events related DEI and Climate Resiliency. Karl has agreed to serve on ECOP until the fall of 2027. Thank you for your national leadership, Karl!

Brian Raison
Diversity Catalyst At-Large - Brian Raison, Extension Field Specialist, Community and Organizational Leadership at Ohio State University, (pictured left) was appointed by ECOP in 2017 to represent the Cooperative Extension Section on ESCOP's Diversity Catalyst Committee. Today, he serves as Chair! Of his appointment, Brian writes, "Our DCC team wishes to promote the great value that’s found in diversity, equity, and inclusiveness. Expanding perspectives improves our work, strengthens research, and multiplies impact. Our focus is on uniting Experiment Station leaders (along with our Extension colleagues) in promoting a more diverse and inclusive future that will absolutely improve lives of individuals in our country and around the world." Brian is a well-respected, active member of ECOP Program Committee's DEI Program Action Team, also. Thank you for your national leadership, Brian!

NIFA Stakeholder Listening Session - Research Facilities Act Program - On April 13 at 3 p.m. ET, NIFA will hold a virtual, open, public listening session with remote participation only to collect stakeholder input on the implementation of a new competitive grant. The purpose of the Research Facilities Act Program (RFAP) is to assist eligible institutions with the construction, modification, acquisition, modernization, refurbishment, or remodeling of their agricultural research facility to conduct research in the fields of food and agricultural sciences. NIFA is particularly interested in achieving the most impact and identifying suggested priorities in the program. Written comments (two-page limit) may be sent to by April 17 at 5 p.m. ET. Register listening sesseion here.