Monday, July 17, 2023

Message From New Executive Director

Greetings Extension Leaders -  

I am delighted to begin my service as your National Executive Director of the Cooperative Extension System (CES) and the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP). I’m also humbled by the faith you have placed in me to undertake this responsibility. 

I plan to do a lot of listening in the coming weeks and months. Luckily, CES’ leaders are some of the world’s best teachers. I’m looking forward to building on the knowledge that I’ve gained over the years as your federal NIFA partner.   

I look forward to a long tenure of effective service to the CES and ECOP. Please feel free to reach out to me by email ( or cell phone: (202) 897-9994. 

Dobbins to Represent Extension on NIPMCC - On Thursday, June 29, 2023, the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP) appointed Tom Dobbins, Director of the Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service and Associate Dean of Outreach and Engagement, to represent the Cooperative Extension System on the National Integrated Pest Management Coordinating Committee (NIPMCC).

Registration for the 2023 EDEN Annual Conference - Once a year, EDEN delegates assemble at the EDEN Annual Conference to share best practices, developing research, showcase projects that have been completed throughout the year, and enhance skill sets through professional development opportunities. The conference will offer guest speakers, breakout sessions, educational excursions, networking opportunities and a professional development training. This year, the host is the University of Georgia in Savannah, from September 26-29. To view the agenda, find hotel information, register for the conference, or learn more, visit EDEN’s Annual Conference webpage at

Urban Research and Extension Opportunity - The Western Center for Metropolitan Extension and Research, which is in the process of a rebranding itself to the National Urban Research and Extension Center (NUREC), is accepting applications for their Fellows program (Deep Dive, Urban Sabbatical, and Graduate Fellows). The organization has been dedicated to developing resources to guide metropolitan Extension organizations since 2006. The deadline for applications is July 31, 2023. For more information, see: Funding for fellowships is dependent on membership explained at A fellow from a non-member institution could receive non-monetary benefits (support, connections, etc.).