The ECOP Monday Minute will be on hiatus on Memorial Day, May 31, 2021.
Distinguishing Urban Extension in the System Landscape – Thought leaders’ exchange for future planning and policy is the title of the next ECOP Learning for Leaders conversation, Friday, June 4, 2021, 3-4:00 p.m. Explore the basis of administrative and system-oriented aspects of Urban Extension Programming! Experts from NUEL and WCMER are back with members of the Cooperative Extension Section to expand beyond Ag focus and delve deeper into Extension and LGU policy, Staffing Ratios, Solutions and Outcomes! Middle managers and heads of HR may accompany Directors and Administrators to this event. All Directors and Administrators of Extension with interest in system change in Extension Policy and Organization may contribute to and will benefit from the provocative discussion. Contact Sandy Ruble for connection details.
Volunteer Reviewers Sought for $1.5 Billion in Broadband Connectivity - The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) of the U.S. Department of Commerce is soliciting experts to evaluate grant proposals for three broadband connectivity programs that will award over $1.5 billion to further national broadband goals and assist with COVID response and recovery efforts in 3 areas - Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program, the Broadband Infrastructure Grants Program, and the Connection Minority Communities Program. To learn more and respond by May 31, click here. Help America advance its national objective of broadband access for ALL! - Please spread the word about this opportunity.
Integrated Pest Management Papers Released For Distribution by Extension - The National Integrated Pest Management Coordinating Committee (NIPMCC) has released the following series of papers on IPM and invasive pests.
• US Agriculture is Vulnerable to Weeds, Diseases, Insects, and Other Pest Threats (Full-text, April 2021)
• US Agriculture is Vulnerable (One-Pager)
• The Growing Threat of Pests Resistant to Pesticides and Other Management Tactics (Full-text, April 2021)
• The Growing Threat (One-Pager)
• Invasive Pests: A $120 Billion-a-Year Threat to America’s Farms and Lands (Full-text, April 2021)
• Invasive Pests (One-Pager)
Thank you to John Lawrence, Iowa State University, who represents the Cooperative Extension Section on the NIPMCC for sharing this information. Additional contact information is found here.
Call for BoHS Awards Nominations - The Board on Human Sciences invites nominations of individual, faculty, or staff member for one of four Board on Human Sciences (BoHS) awards presented at APLU's Annual Meeting on November 2021. Deadline is June 28, 2021. Links to more info:
* Ellen Swallow Richards Public Service Award
* Lifetime Achievement Award
* Outstanding Engagement Award
* Undergraduate Research Mentor Award
Please contact Florencia Drumwright, Senior Associate, or Doug Steele, Vice President for Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resources, if you have any questions.