Lou Swanson, Colorado State University |
Early-bird Registration for 2017 National Urban Extension Conference - The University of Minnesota will host the 2017 National Urban Extension Conference at the Radisson Blu located at the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota, May 8 – 11, 2017. Please use the following conference web link to register by March 17 to receive Early Bird pricing at https://sites.google.com/a/umn.edu/urbanextensionconference2017/index. Designed with the urban Extension educator in mind, the conference schedule is intently geared towards program faculty, administrators and staff including a rich line-up of keynote speakers, mobile learning opportunities, and informative and engaging poster, program and administrative track sessions and ignite talks weaved throughout the conference. Brent Hales, University of Minnesota, is Conference Chair and Brad Gaolach, Washington State University, is Conference Co-Chair.
eXtension Diversity and Inclusion Issue Corps - More than 40 teams representing 28 institutions have been selected for eXtension Foundation’s newly formed Diversity and Inclusion Issue Corps. The teams will meet in February for a Designathon workshop in which they will develop an issue response strategy through concept mapping and one-on-one mentoring from key informants. eXtension is recruiting key informants in areas of expertise specific to the needs of the Corps. https://extension.org/2017/01/05/diversity-inclusion-issue-corps-designathon-planned-for-february/
2017 National Extension Conference on Volunteerism: April 10-13, 2017; Asheville, NC - Designed for Cooperative Extension professionals who manage volunteers; the workshops, keynote presentations, poster sessions, lightening talks, and super seminars provide specific strategies for optimizing the benefits of the program for the volunteer, for the manager and for Extension. For registration and more Information: https://go.ncsu.edu/necv
- Early Bird Registration ends on 2/28/17 - $275
- Standard Registration on 3/1/17 and ends on 3/15/17 - $325
- One day only Registration - $150
- 4-H Specialists Pre-Conference Registration (lunch included) - $60
- EMGV (Master Gardner) Pre-Conference Registration (lunch not included) - $25