While there are numerous reports in the news on Executive Orders, Agency Reviews and potential Budget Freezes, we are committed to not reporting to our membership until we can verify the action and ensuring impacts. We are closely tracking announcements and working tirelessly on your behalf and will continue to keep you apprised when we have reliable information and/or guidance to share. We are actively talking with both sides of the aisle on Capitol Hill to keep them informed of potential impacts, questions, and concerns from the BAA community.
We understand there is particular concern about NIFA and we are working to understand what any potential freeze or pause will entail and how the deferred resignation process may impact NIFA’s workforce. We are in constant communications with BAA elected leaders, advocacy committees and research/Extension regional Executive Directors. We will continue to communicate as appropriate messages are identified and double-down on the value of the land-grant and public university to our country.
Please feel free to contact either myself (dsteele@aplu.org) or Marcus Glassman, Director of Government Affairs, Ag and International Development (mglassman@aplu.org) if we can provide additional information or if you have any updates you would like to share.
Douglas L. Steele
Vice President, Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources
Association of Public and Land-grant Universities
Extension Health Program Manager Position Available
The contract may be executed directly with an individual or with the institution with which the individual is currently employed. The successful candidate is expected to devote the equivalent of roughly 10 hours per week (.25 FTE) to the performance of the duties identified in the announcement. Performance of the stated duties is performed at a flat rate of $40,000.
Contract begins March 1, 2025 and continues through February 28, 2026. See the Extension Foundation announcement for more details.
CARET Washington Conference Registration Reminder
The 2025 CARET/BAA Washington Conference, Securing Our Future, begins in less than a month! Registration is filling up, so if you haven't already done so, please register here as you are if you are interested in attending. The Council for Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching (CARET) is a national grassroots organization of volunteers created in 1982 by the Board on Agriculture Assembly of the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU). CARET seeks to enhance national support and understanding of the land-grant university system’s food and agricultural research, extension, and teaching programs that enhance the quality of life for all people.
A draft agenda is available for viewing. Please note that we will send out materials for the meeting in the coming weeks.
If you have any questions, please contact Flannery Bethel.
We look forward to seeing you in DC!
Avian Influenza: Call for Updates
Based on the current situation the United States is facing with the avian flu, the APLU staff is updating the previously published June 2024 Toolkit: AVIAN FLU THREATS: The United States Needs to Prepare and Prevent Mutations that could Spread Among Humans. Please send updated information and activities to Andrea Putman at aputman@aplu.org.