Monday, February 17, 2025

Nominations for Individual and Team Excellence in Extension Awards Being Accepted

Please be alert for a contact from your Regional Executive Director or Administrator regarding your region’s nomination process for the Excellence in Extension Individual and Team Awards.

Rollins Sworn in as US Secretary of Agriculture

On February 13, Brooke Rollins was sworn in as the 33rd U.S. Secretary of Agriculture. The department has issued a press release of her day-one accomplishments, including sending a letter to the nation’s governors to outline her vision for the department.

Congratulations LEAD 21 Class #20 Graduates

Daniel Helsham, American Samoa Community College; Katie Funderburk, Auburn University; Mark Smith, Auburn University; Yiwen Chiu, California Polytechnic State University, San Louis Obispo; Amy Lammert, California Polytechnic State University, San Louis Obispo; Gabriel Davidov-Pardo, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Bobbie Bowling, Central State University; Mark Rendleman, Central State University; George Dickert, Clemson University; Cathy Jachowski, Clemson University; Pat Wechter, Clemson University; Shawn Archibeque, Colorado State University; Aavudai Anandhi, Florida A&M University; Sotirios Archontoulis, Iowa State University; Aileen Keating, Iowa State University; Brian Olson, Kansas State University; Gaea Hock, Kansas State University; Tiffany Williams, Langston University; Lisa Bottomley, Michigan State University; Steve Carey, Michigan State University; Nicky Mason-Wardell, Michigan State University; Trent Irby, Mississippi State University; Anne Spafford, Mississippi State University; Drew Gholson, Mississippi State University; Carlos Ortiz, National Institute of Food and Agriculture; Ahlishia Shipley, National Institute of Food and Agriculture; Jeff Sweet, National Institute of Food and Agriculture; Barbara Chamberlin, New Mexico State University; Chastity English, North Carolina A&T State University; Lin Zhao, North Carolina A&T State University; Sean Munday, North Carolina State University; Marcela Rojas-Pierce, North Carolina State University; Kendra Greenlee, North Dakota State University; Christina Hargiss, North Dakota State University; Miranda Meehan, North Dakota State University; Dave Mackey, Ohio State University; Jennifer Jones, Oklahoma State University; Karl Rich, Oklahoma State University; Ranjith Ram, Oklahoma State University; Sagar Sathuvalli, Oregon State University; Adam Ward, Oregon State University; Spirit Brooks, Oregon State University; Ashley James, Prairie View A&M University; Lea Ann Kinman, Prairie View A&M University; Talia Washington, Prairie View A&M University; Laura Bowling, Purdue University; Anjali Iyer-Pascuzzi, Purdue University; Krystle Allen, Southern University; Si-Arah Jones, Southern University; Ambika Chandra, Texas A&M University; Mark Faries, Texas A&M University; Kevin Ong, Texas A&M University; Millicent Braxton, Tuskegee University; Barrett Vaughan, Tuskegee University; Eunjoo Cho, University of Arkansas; Karen DiCicco, University of Arkansas; Johan Leveau, University of California, Davis; Darren Haver, University of California, Irvine; Paulo Verardi, University of Connecticut; Charlie Li, University of Florida; Jillian Bohlen, University of Georgia; Faith Critzer, University of Georgia; Bhabesh Dutta, University of Georgia; Tanisha Aflague, University of Guam; Jacinda Dariotis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Angela Lyons, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Nick Paulson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Chad Lee, University of Kentucky; Jordan Shockley, University of Kentucky; Joel Haskard, University of Minnesota; Eli Sagor, University of Minnesota; Rob Russell, University of Missouri; Dusty Walter, University of Missouri; Sonja Wilhelm Stanis, University of Missouri; David Holding, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Devin Rose, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Mark Stone, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; James McKane, University of New Hampshire; Chris Boyer, University of Tennessee; Tricia Gorby, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Jennifer Kushner, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Erin Silva, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Josh Dallin, Utah State University; Heidi LeBlanc, Utah State University; Kevin McGuire, Virginia Tech; Kim Niewolny, Virginia Tech; Janet Spencer, Virginia Tech; Vagner Benedito, West Virginia University

Monday, February 3, 2025

Message from Doug Steele on Rapidly Changing Washington Dynamics

I want to assure our Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resources (FANR) constituents and Board on Agriculture Assembly members that we are working with the APLU Office of Governmental Affairs and Lewis-Burke Associates to closely monitor all federal actions and announcements.

While there are numerous reports in the news on Executive Orders, Agency Reviews and potential Budget Freezes, we are committed to not reporting to our membership until we can verify the action and ensuring impacts. We are closely tracking announcements and working tirelessly on your behalf and will continue to keep you apprised when we have reliable information and/or guidance to share. We are actively talking with both sides of the aisle on Capitol Hill to keep them informed of potential impacts, questions, and concerns from the BAA community.

We understand there is particular concern about NIFA and we are working to understand what any potential freeze or pause will entail and how the deferred resignation process may impact NIFA’s workforce. We are in constant communications with BAA elected leaders, advocacy committees and research/Extension regional Executive Directors. We will continue to communicate as appropriate messages are identified and double-down on the value of the land-grant and public university to our country.

Please feel free to contact either myself ( or Marcus Glassman, Director of Government Affairs, Ag and International Development ( if we can provide additional information or if you have any updates you would like to share.

Douglas L. Steele
Vice President, Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources
Association of Public and Land-grant Universities

Extension Health Program Manager Position Available

The Extension Foundation is currently receiving applications for an individual to provide managerial support to the Cooperative Extension System’s ongoing work in health and well-being. More specifically, work of this individual will focus on supporting implementation of the five high-level recommendations emanating from Cooperative Extension’s National Framework for Health and Well-Being, approved by the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP) in 2021.

The contract may be executed directly with an individual or with the institution with which the individual is currently employed. The successful candidate is expected to devote the equivalent of roughly 10 hours per week (.25 FTE) to the performance of the duties identified in the announcement. Performance of the stated duties is performed at a flat rate of $40,000.

Contract begins March 1, 2025 and continues through February 28, 2026. See the Extension Foundation announcement for more details.

CARET Washington Conference Registration Reminder

The 2025 CARET/BAA Washington Conference, Securing Our Future, begins in less than a month! Registration is filling up, so if you haven't already done so, please register here as you are if you are interested in attending. The Council for Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching (CARET) is a national grassroots organization of volunteers created in 1982 by the Board on Agriculture Assembly of the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU). CARET seeks to enhance national support and understanding of the land-grant university system’s food and agricultural research, extension, and teaching programs that enhance the quality of life for all people.

A draft agenda is available for viewing. Please note that we will send out materials for the meeting in the coming weeks.

If you have any questions, please contact Flannery Bethel.

We look forward to seeing you in DC!

Avian Influenza: Call for Updates

Based on the current situation the United States is facing with the avian flu, the APLU staff is updating the previously published June 2024 Toolkit: AVIAN FLU THREATS: The United States Needs to Prepare and Prevent Mutations that could Spread Among Humans. Please send updated information and activities to Andrea Putman at