Monday, July 22, 2024

The Federal Appropriations Ask for FY2026 In Process

In a recent series of meetings, the ECOP approved the ECOP Budget and Legislative Committee's recommendation for the Board on Agriculture Assembly's Unified Ask for Appropriations (capacity funding) for Fiscal Year 2026. The following is a summary of the 4 Extension lines of the Unified Ask that was put forward to the BAA Policy Board of of Director's sub-committee on Budget and Advocacy for consideration and approval. To see the complete list of 13 lines, review the FY2025 Budget here.

NEDA Meeting Reminder - Challenges and Opportunities of Integrating Extension into the Land-grant University Learning Ecosystem
- On Wednesday, September 18 during the National Extension Directors and Administrators (NEDA) meeting in Louisville, a panel of experts will delve into a case study on microcredentials. An increasing number of higher education institutions are offering nondegree credentials to expand educational opportunities to working adults. Increasingly, employers want their employees to upskill and reskill through microcredential programs. The panel will present the issues and variability across the system regarding the integration of Extension into Land-grant University learning ecosystems that must be addressed. The goal of the session is to initiate a system-wide discussion that will lead to better integration of Extension in university learning ecosystems. Go to today to check out all of the sessions for the 2024 NEDA meeting, and to register and book a hotel room by August 26 to avoid paying higher rates.

Extension AFRI Commodity Board Co-funding Topic: Pork (A1811) - The Agriculture and Food Research Initiative offers commodity board co-funded awards. For the first time, there is one that is completely Extension oriented. The goal is to educate Extension agents, health professionals and community leaders on: 1) the role of fresh lean meats, such as pork, in averting nutritional deficiencies and promoting optimal health while adhering to dietary guidelines; 2) the economic advantages associated with accessible low-cost animal protein choices; and 3) availability of environmentally-friendly animal source protein options, such as pork. a. Projects covering this commodity board topic must not exceed $300,000 total per project for extension projects (including indirect costs) for project periods of two to three years. Search for A1811.

AFRI Animal Systems Technical Assistance Webinar Recording Now Available - The Agriculture Food Research Initiative (AFRI) is the flagship funding program for NIFA. In this recorded webinar, you will learn more about the Animal Systems Division programs within the AFRI Foundational and Applied Science Request For Applications (RFA). Information covered includes RFA due dates, program priorities, eligibility and application details.