2023 NEDA Registration - Registration opened last week for 2023 National Extension Directors and Administrators (NEDA) Meeting, October 10-12 in Tucson, AZ. The theme is Transforming Extension: People, Partners, and the Profession. Early-bird registration fee is $525 and lodging is $209++/night at the Tucson Marriott University Park until September 18. Visit https://cvent.me/PndGZm for registration and details including Agenda, Hotel & Transportation, Fees & Policies, and FAQs. Business agendas, speaker resources, and much more will be featured in the ECOP Monday Minute and at neda.extension.org throughout the summer.
EXCITE Launches Implementation Phase for 33 Immunization Education Projects/37 Land-Grant Universities - The Cooperative Extension System (CES) has been given the opportunity to continue immunization education work through the Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching and Engagement (EXCITE). The Extension Foundation, in cooperation with ECOP, through an Interagency Agreement with the USDA-NIFA and the CDC are funding the CES to increase vaccine confidence among rural and other underserved communities. This new effort builds on the success of two prior projects including the EXCITE Vaccinate with Confidence Communication Campaign, and EXCITE Pilot Projects. For the new Implementation Phase, 33 projects from 37 institutions have been selected. These projects represent all six land-grant universities regions identified by USDA-NIFA - 1890, 1994, North Central, Northeast, Southern, Western. Read the full release here.
Land-Grant Universities' SNAP-ED Program Develop Team Meeting Summary - The annual meeting of the land-grant universities' (LGU) SNAP-Ed Program Development Team (PDT) was held in April. The seventeen-member PDT for 2023-2024 includes representation from all regions including the 1890's, and a representative from NIFA. The goal of the PDT is to improve the consistency and effectiveness of Extension SNAP-Ed programming in the context of Extension’s broader nutrition education portfolio. Work is conducted through monthly conference calls, subcommittees, and an annual face-to-face meeting. A focus this year was strengthening the LGU system through sharing resources and building and maintaining relationships within the LGU system and with federal partners. Highlights of the meeting and the past year are available here. ECOP and the PDT, headquartered at South Dakota State University, have a supportive agreement dating back to 2002.
Nominations for the 2023 Seaman A. Knapp Lecture - NIFA and APLU are seeking nominations of dynamic speakers with insightful topics to honor Seaman A. Knapp, described here. Recommendations should be submitted electronically using the guidance found on the NIFA website by July 31. Take a moment to consider who can prepare a formal lecture, nominate, and share the opportunity with others. The lecture will be presented in conjunction with the APLU annual meeting in November 12-14 in Seattle, Washington.