Monday, May 22, 2023

ECOP Gathers Info for Ag Statistics MOU

The ECOP Monday Minute writers will take a hiatus next week to pay homage on Memorial Day to those who have sacrificed all for freedom. Have a safe start to the summer of 2023. 

ECOP Gathers Info for Ag Statistics MOU - This past week the ECOP Executive Committee asked members of the Cooperative Extension Section of the BAA to provide current information on USDA National Agriculture Statistics Service surveys. The intent of the effort is to test the need of modernizing a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the agency that is scheduled for renewal this summer. The current MOU recognizes the value of the long-standing collaborative relationship between the Section and NASS, "to address common concerns among all the agriculture communities across the United States." The deadline to respond is May 30. To request a copy of the specifics, link to the brief survey, or acquire more information, contact Sandy Ruble,, before the deadline.

2023 NEDA Sunset Supper ExperienceThe 2023 NEDA Meeting is October 10-12. On the evening of October 11, after a morning of business and leadership dialogue, Extension Directors and Administrators and their national partners will be shuttled by coach bus to the 1-acre Tucson Village Farm to experience Extension community partnerships in action. After guiding small group tours, 4-H Teens will serve a 4-5-course Sunset Supper with organic foods they have raised onsite. The youth will have worked with local chefs to plan, prepare, and share information with Extension Leaders from across the whole system. Watch email for the release of registration to attend. 

Call to Action for Research Facility Act Continues through June 1 - ICYMI, last Wednesday Doug Steele, APLU FANR VP, provided the status of the FY2024 House Ag Appropriations Bill and reminded everyone within the Board on Agriculture Assembly to work with APLU Council on Governmental Affairs (CGA) representative, to consider contacting your state’s House Members asking them to support mandatory Farm Bill funding for RFA by June 1. Detailed resources are available at or by contacting Caron Gala