Monday, May 15, 2023

New CMC Representative

The Communications and Marketing Committee (CMC), a standing committee of the Board on Agriculture Assembly's Policy Board of Directors, oversees and guides the effort to increase awareness of the land-grant universities’ agricultural and related programs, Agricultural Experiment Stations, and Cooperative Extension Services. Shelly Nickols-Richardson (pictured left), Associate Dean, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences & Director, Extension and Outreach, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, was chosen by ECOP as the CMC Incoming Chair. Shelly will liaise between ECOP and CMC several times each year for her 3-year term. The appointment targets one of ECOP's four Strategic Directions, to "increase the visibility and recognition of the Cooperative Extension System as a provider of evidence-based education and services and as a valuable partner to federal and national non-federal entities through improved communications of program impacts and successes." Shelly has also served on the Executive Committee of the APLU's Commission on Economic and Community Engagement (CECE; Class of 2021). Please join ECOP to thank Shelly for representing the entire Cooperative Extension Section with the CMC.

Identifying Professional Development Needs for Extension - Cooperative Extension professionals from 1862, 1890, and 1994 Land-grant universities are invited to participate in a survey to identify professional development needs. The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Findings from this survey will be used to determine future direction for the Extension Foundation and be shared across Cooperative Extension organizations. Please widely share this link to the survey and encourage Extension personnel to participate by May 22, 2023. Karen Vines, Virginia Tech, is serving as the Foundation’s National Needs Assessment Fellow for this work.