Extension Directors and Administrators are encouraged to visit, bookmark, and share the NIFA Reporting System (NRS) Website. The site provides access to insightful webinar recordings and summaries under the sub-heading of NRS Resources plus useful FAQs. Click here to sign up to receive monthly webinar email announcements and updates. NRS webinars are meant to inform NRS users of ongoing system modifications and enhancements, communicate critical dates, and gather end user feedback. The next Webinar will be held this Thursday, March 30, 2023, 2:00 PM ET to provide guidance for submitting the FY2022 Annual Report of Accomplishments that is due May 1. To register in advance, visit: https://www.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_jxNTXdWaSgeafW_Uc-7eTw.
National Extension Tourism Update - A new publication The NET Effect: Members of the National Extension Tourism Network Help Raise the Bar in Sustainable Tourism and Outdoor Recreation, by Extension Foundation documents innovative Cooperative Extension and Sea Grant programs in sustainable tourism and outdoor recreation. The programs highlighted in the report are models for Extension teams seeking to address opportunities in sustainable tourism, outdoor recreation, and community economic development. The resource is available as flipping book or as a PDF. More about the National Extension Tourism Network (NET) including its 2023 national conference, September 24-27 is found at extensiontourism.net.