2022-2023 Organizational Chart Features Workplans - Take a few moments to visit the updated, interactive Organization Chart for the Cooperative Extension Section/ECOP found at https://www.aplu.org/wp-content/uploads/ecop-organizational-chart.pdf. Links connected to labels within the chart direct readers to the workplans of standing committees and with main System partners, Extension Foundation and National 4-H Council. The accomplishment of these workplans is the basis of ECOP's Annual Report to the Section that takes place at NEDA. And speaking of NEDA....
Hold the Date - Remember to hold the week of October 9, 2023, to attend the one-and-only annual National Extension Directors and Administrators (NEDA) Meeting. The exact dates and location will be announced soon. Registration is scheduled to begin in May. The purpose of the meeting is to conduct the annual business according to the Rules of Operation of the Cooperative Extension Section and more importantly, to engage in valuable national dialogue and learning that establishes the future of land-grant university Cooperative Extension and supports the professional success of the members of the Section at national, state and local levels. Deliberate attempts have been made to avoid calendar conflicts with other national meetings of interest by the target audience, the institutional leaders of Extension from 76 land-grant universities.