Monday, September 19, 2022

APLU’s New President Mark Becker

On September 1, Mark P. Becker began his first day at APLU stating, "APLU is poised to do great things in the years ahead as we continue to innovate in new or expanded areas and double-down on our core work to equitably advance the student success, research, and engagement missions of public and land-grant universities. The success of these efforts is dependent upon a highly engaged membership. The strength of APLU and its ability to advance change has and always will be through the engagement of its members on our councils, commissions, and boards; our projects and initiatives; and, of course, through our collective advocacy in Washington." Read the full article here. Twitter users can see and hear Dr. Becker here.

Google Grant Will Expand 4-H Computer Science Career Pathways Program - has awarded National 4-H Council a $5M grant to expand computer science skills and education to underserved youth across the country. With this funding, Cooperative Extension will expand existing and bring new 4-H Computer Science (CS) Career Pathways programs to communities across Iowa, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia, Nebraska, and West Virginia. Since its start in 2017, 1.4 million youth have participated in Extension’s 4-H CS program, with 65% living rurally, 56% of 4-H teen CS leaders being girls, and 47% coming from racially diverse backgrounds. Read more about Google’s support of 4-H here.


White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health Date AnnouncedThe White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health will take place in Washington, DC or through virtual means on September 28, 2022. The conference brings government leaders, academics, activists, and Americans from all walks of life together to achieve the goal of ending hunger and reducing diet-related diseases in the U.S. by 2030 – all while reducing disparities among the communities who are impacted the most by these issues. The White House has published a toolkit to an access from the conference website,, for hosting satellite events, such as watch parties, discussions, and days of service.


APLU Annual Meeting Registration - The APLU Annual Meeting is in-person, and will be held in Denver, Colorado, November 6-8, 2022. The meeting is the premier gathering of senior leaders from public research universities, land-grant institutions, and state university systems. No other meeting in higher education brings together such a diverse array of public university presidents, chancellors, and other senior leaders. The theme is Future Forward. The program is designed to ensure collaboration and give attendees useful, practical strategies. Ample time for networking with colleagues from the North and Central America is built into the schedule. The Board on Agriculture Assembly sessions include USDA award presentations, Annual Memorial Lecture, and General Membership Meeting. View draft BAA/CFERR/FA NR meeting track here. View entire meeting schedule, costs, etc., and be sure to register here before rates increase. 

ERS Releases Household Food Security Report for 2021 - In 2021, 89.8% of U.S. households were food secure while the remaining 10.2% (13.5 million households) were food insecure. Read the report here.