Monday, July 25, 2022

USDA Reaffirms Ties with 1890s with New MOU

On June 14, USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack and Dr. Paul Jones, Fort Valley State University, Chair of APLU's Council of 1890 Universities Presidents signed an MOU to reaffirm and strengthen the ongoing relationship between the 1890s community and USDA through cooperation and partnership. This MOU also establishes a new 1890 Task Force that will inject energy into USDA’s efforts to collaborate with 1890s institutions in the food, agriculture, and forestry sectors. The document underscores USDA’s commitment under the Biden-Harris Administration’s Executive Order 13985 on Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities to advance the goals of equity to better serve the needs of traditionally underserved institutions and communities. The 1890s system has played an important role in building STEM programming for our nation’s youth. 1890s institutions also strengthen research, Extension, and teaching in the food and agricultural sciences and expand the number of students attracted to careers in agriculture, food, natural resources, and human sciences. Read more here.

Listening Session on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health - Nearly 100 individuals recently participated in a virtual listening session summarized here providing input for the upcoming White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health to be held this September. The listening session was hosted by ECOP and the Board on Human Sciences with support of the Extension Foundation. The majority of the participants were state-level coordinators of Cooperative Extension’s Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) and work done by implementing agencies of SNAP-Ed. Information regarding the Conference will be released in the near future. Information gathered through the listening session can be reviewed [here]. For more information, contact Roger Rennekamp, ECOP's Extension Health Director, at

Cooperative Extension in Urban America: Place-Based Approaches for Improving Health - A new article was published in a special issue of the Journal of Human Sciences and Extension focused on Cooperative Extension’s role in the nation’s cities. Authors are Dawn Burton (Prairie View A&M University), LaToya O’Neal (University of Florida), Erin Yelland (Kansas State University), Suzanne Stluka (USDA-NIFA), and Roger Rennekamp (ECOP's Extension Health Director). The article is available at

SNAP-Ed PDT Update - The annual meeting of the land-grant universities SNAP-Ed Program Development Team (PDT) was held in April. Representatives from USDA Food Nutrition Service, and NIFA, and Cooperative Extension met with current and incoming members of the PDT. The seventeen-member PDT for 2022-2023 includes 3 Extension professionals from 1890's institutions. The PDT conducts monthly conference calls, subcommittee work, and an annual face-to-face meeting to improve the consistency and effectiveness of Extension SNAP-Ed programming to address national health and nutrition-related problems facing low-income populations in the context of Extension’s broader low-income nutrition education portfolio. This year there is particular focus was Nutrition Security and Health Equity to align with USDA priorities. Highlights of the meeting and the past year are available here to view/download. In a series of agreements with ECOP/APLU to support the PDT dating back to 2002, the PDT has been headquartered at South Dakota State University.  

Captured from Last Week's ECOP Meeting at JointCOPs
Candid photos from 7/20/2022 ECOP Meeting at Historic Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC
- L-R, top to bottom. Executive Committee: Chris 
Watkins, Bev Durgan, Wendy Powers, Caroline
Henney, Mark Latimore; also, John Lawrence  
Brent Hales, Allen Malone, Vonda Richardson,
Damona Doye.   
- $600K 2023 Assessment-Driven Budget Approved     
- ECOP was not asked to contribute $ to support CMC 
- Consensus Achieved on 2022-2023 Priorities               

JointCOPs General Session on Federal Budget, 7/21/2022
 - Bridget Krieger, Lewis Burke Associates, lower left                      
- Marshall Stewart, University of Missouri, CLP Chair, lower right 

Status of FY 2023 Appropriations Before Senate Action in Late July. 
Cooperative Extension Section/ECOP will respond to a BAC FY24 survey by 9/12/2022.

Background on Farm Bill