Monday, January 24, 2022

Investing in Rural Recovery

Today the nation’s four Regional Rural Development Centers (RRDCs) released Investing in Rural Recovery: Findings from a Rapid Assessment of Stakeholder Priorities for Rural Development from a national survey of rural development stakeholders. Conducted in the fall of 2021, the survey is part of a year-long Listening Session Initiative aimed at identifying key priorities and critical investments for rural communities’ recovery and growth. The questionnaire served as a rapid appraisal of key informants’ perceptions about priorities, capacities, and potential to expand programming in eight critical topic areas. Respondents also reported the types of programs found to be most valuable and the resources, challenges, and opportunities they perceive for rural communities. The report marks the close of the first stage in the consultative feedback process being led by the RRDCs and will provide a basis for a series of facilitated dialogues in the initiative’s second phase in March and April of 2022.

Prioritizing Nutrition Security - Learn about the latest updates to the Cooperative Extension’s National Framework for Health Equity and Well-Being on Tuesday, January 25, 2022 at 3-4:30 p.m. ET. The virtual session will be led by the Framework authors and attendees are highly encouraged to ask questions and provide feedback during the live Q&A segment and the virtual breakout sessions. This event is the sixth installment of NIFA’s new monthly Nutrition Security Webinar Series. To register and for more information, visit the Prioritizing Nutrition Security webinar announcement.

New Deadline for 4-H Executive Position - Extended to Friday, January 28, 2022. The ECOP 4-H Leadership Committee (ECOP 4-H) seeks an Executive Director who is passionate about building partnership and policy foundations for future 4-H Youth Development programs and initiatives nationwide. The Executive Director will support the work of the Committee, including a bold vision and plan for engaging more youth in the 4-H program that also reflects the diversity of youth in the United States. The ideal candidate would be an experienced Extension Director/Administrator or State 4-H Program Leader with demonstrated past success in collaborative leadership and coordination of Extension system resources. Full description is here. To apply, send cover letter and resume to

Big Idea on Health Event - The ECOP Health Innovation Taskforce will conduct a "Big Idea" virtual event on February 10, 2022 from 2-4:00 p.m. ET to connect the dots of business, education, and health with the Cooperative Extension System. Please share the opportunity with university's colleges of agriculture, public health, and education, and with health industry leaders, and organizations invested in community development or the education pipeline. Task Force member Dr. Erik Porfeli, College of Education and Human Ecology, The Ohio State University, is providing leadership for the event. Read more and register at Questions may be directed to Cooperative Extension's Health Director Dr. Roger Rennekamp, or EDA Team member, Ali Mitchell

Anyone seeking enlightenment about the nexus of the APLU, the Land-grant University System, the Board on Agriculture Assembly, and USDA-NIFA may register here for an orientation starting February 8 and running through February 10, 2022, from 2:30-5:00 p.m. ET. There is $25 fee to cover the sessions for all three days.