Monday, March 6, 2023

NEDA Theme and Location Announcement

Logo of the National Extension Directors and Administrators meeting.
he 2023 National Extension Directors and Administrators (NEDA) Meeting October 10-12 will be held in Tucson, Arizona. The Planning Committee chaired by Barbara Petty, University of Idaho, is pleased to announce the theme, Transforming Extension: People, Partners, and the Profession
Pre-meeting activities for groups of participants begin the morning of Tuesday, October 10 -- ECOP Business Meeting and late afternoon New Director and Administrator Orientation. All attendees may join the grand welcome reception and a dinner event sponsored by National 4-H Council. All day October 11 and half day on October 12, attendees will participate in 2 essential business meetings and several leadership development sessions. The launch of registration with instructions to book hotel rooms and a detailed agenda is scheduled for release in May. Find out more about Tucson at Contact Sandy Ruble to answer any questions.  

Workforce Development in the Cooperative Extension System - On Friday, March 3, 2023, leaders from every region of the Cooperative Extension System participated in a discussion of the current work of the Economic & Workforce Development Program Action Team (PAT). PAT Lead Ivory Lyles, Oregon State University, and 3 Fellows, gave an overview of the assessment funded by NIFA and highlights of existing workforce development Extension programs being conducted across the Extension system. To review the presentation:
Learning for Leaders is organized by ECOP for members of the Cooperative Extension Section

NIFA Funding Opportunity: Food and Agriculture Defense Initiative Extension Disaster Education Network (FADI-EDEN) - In FY 2023, NIFA requests applications for the Food and Agriculture Defense Initiative Extension Disaster Education Network (FADI-EDEN) program. The goal of the FADI-EDEN program is to maximize the resilience of the U.S. food and agriculture sector to biosecurity risks, extreme weather events and disasters, cyber threats, and other shocks. Historically, a strength of the FADI-EDEN program has been its ties to the Extension Disaster Education Network, which is a national, collaborative network of extension professionals who are dedicated to improved all-hazards management of domestic disasters. The FADI-EDEN program will fund one Extension project that will address its priorities. To learn more about the FY 2023 funding opportunity, download the FY 2023 RFA; the RFA page also includes a pre-recorded program overview video and an informational slide deck. For additional information about the FADI-EDEN program, visit the NIFA program page. The Letter of Intent deadline is March 23, 2023, at 5:00 pm ET, and the application deadline is May 11, 2023, at 5:00 pm ET. Direct questions to Dr. Ashley Mueller, National Program Leader, at

RRDCs Release Findings from National Listening Sessions on Rural Community, Economic, and Workforce Development
- The Regional Rural Development Centers (RRDCs) have released findings from a comprehensive initiative aimed at identifying the critical investments needed to build community capacity and improve quality of life in rural America. Their report can be used by a broad audience of practitioners, decision makers, and government agencies to inform where programmatic efforts and resources may be most effective in tackling key issues facing rural communities. It summarizes results from eight listening sessions, which convened stakeholders in facilitated dialogues focused on regional and national issues. It also integrates qualitative data from a national survey conducted in Fall 2021, building on the quantitative survey findings published in 2021. Access the executive summary, full report, or topical and regional reports by clicking the report image or here.