Monday, September 26, 2022

2022 Joint ESS/CES-NEDA Meeting Begins

Today at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront, at least 67 Extension Directors and Administrators plus some member of leadership teams from a total of 56 Land-grant Institutions located in 43 states, plus Territories and Tribes, begin participating in the Joint ESS/CES-NEDA Meeting, Building Trust. Through dialogue and discovery, the delegation of 170+ people will cover 4 topic areas including the future of land-grant universities. The Cooperative Extension Section and the Experiment Station Sections of the Board on Agriculture Assembly will conduct respective business, too. Next week's release will include highlights and resources for the good of all. Check out what is happening here.

Executive Director Search Reminder - The ECOP Executive Director Search Advisory Committee would like to remind members of the Section that the Executive Director position headquartered at APLU in Washington, DC described here will remain open until filled. The Committee recently enhanced their process by asking the EDA Team to solicit topics for System seminars and questions to interview finalist candidates. Members of AEA, ASRED, NEED, NCCEA, and WEDA should send their ideas directly to their Executive Director or Administrator by the end of the week. 

Annual ECOP Meeting Calendar Released - ECOP is pleased to release their 2022-2023 Meeting Calendar. Members of the Cooperative Extension Section are most welcome to ECOP Meetings and should inquire with their EDA Team and/or the National Office to obtain details. Agenda items are typically established in two ways. 1) Contact with ECOP Standing Committees (Executive, Professional Development, Program, 4-H Leadership, Budget & Legislative), and 2) by the 20+Appointees and Liaisons, for example, Extension Foundation, LEAD21, Board on Human Sciences (BoHS), Journal of Extension, Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP), and Council on Agricultural Research, Extension and Teaching (CARET), working through their EDA Team point of contact listed here. ECOP solicits agenda items and written reports 3 times annually by Appointees and Liaisons. All Members of the Section and 1994 Extension Directors - save the dates for the First Friday events, monthly national conversations, and the week of 2023 NEDA, October 9-12, and watch for more details.

National Leadership 101 and EXCITE Update Recording Available - On September 9, 26 Extension Directors, joined ECOP's latest monthly Friday Zoom event. All 5 regions and the 1994 Tribal Universities were present. To experience the entire 1-hour session, use The 15-minute update on EXCITE starts here, and Orientation to the National Extension Leadership and Where Do We Fit in the Scheme of Things? featuring 3 panelists starts here. Check out the Orientation slides here.

Connecting With Amish and Other Plain Communities Conference - Purdue Extension, Penn State Extension, and Elizabethtown College are presenting Working with Amish and Other Plain Communities for Extension and related agency professionals November 1-3, 2022. Participants will learn directly from a panel of Amish leaders about the industry, family life and agriculture in a Q&A session. Attendees will have the opportunity to view Amish life firsthand on tours including furniture manufacturing, agriculture, and family life. To conclude the conference, three local Amish leaders will share their valuable perspectives and summarize the conference’s key messages. Topics covered in the conference include:
· Overview of Amish, Mennonite, and other plain groups across the country
· Relations with the state and the wider English world
· Amish community organization, work, and social change
Registration is found at