Monday, August 29, 2022

Search Begins for National Office Executive

The ECOP Monday Minute is on hiatus until September 12, 2022. Have a safe Labor Day!

Search Begins for National Office Executive - Under the leadership of its Chair and Chair-elect, ECOP, the 15-member Governing Board of the Cooperative Extension System, is seeking to hire a highly skilled Executive Director to serve and guide its mission "to strengthen Cooperative Extension at national, state and local levels." Successful candidates will have extensive experience with the System, be an exceptional leader and communicator, and possess the ability to develop partnerships and relationships across a variety of constituencies, including the federal enterprise. A select 7-member search team consists of 5 Extension Section members from each of its Regions, 1 person representing the EDA Team, and 1 person to liaise with the hiring authority that is the APLU. ECOP's commission of the team includes recruiting candidates, screening applications, conducting interviews, gathering input from across the System and Extension's Strategic Partners, advising the Board, and influencing the process to hire. Please share this announcement widely. Priority will be given to applications received by September 15, 2022. Thank you.

Joint ESS/CES-NEDA Meeting Only 4 Weeks Away - The annual National Extension Directors and Administrators gathering will occur jointly with the Experimental Station Directors in Baltimore September 25-28. So far, 55 members of the Cooperative Extension Section (76) have responded to their invitation. The extended deadline to reserve a room at the Marriott Waterfront is September 4. The absolute deadline to register is September 18. Links to vital meeting information is found at

Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plan - On September 7, 2022, at 11 a.m. ET USDA NIFA will hold an informational webinar about the recently published NIFA Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plan, which represents the agency’s coordinated, collaborative response to the vulnerabilities and impacts caused by our changing climate. This one-hour webinar will provide an overview of the plan’s contents, and time will be reserved for audience questions. Registration for the webinar if found here.

ECOP/ACOP at 2022 JointCOPs - At the 2022 JointCOPs meeting in July in Washington, DC, ECOP met with leaders from the APLU's Board on Agriculture Assembly Academic Programs Committee on Organization and Policy (ACOP), the executive committee of the Academic Programs Section. The lively discussion addressed the questions: How can Extension and youth programs help with student recruitment, and how can ACOP help with Extension workforce development? Many resources and efforts were shared during the session, including partnerships between the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska and Nebraska Extension. Check out the following resources:
· Rural Prosperity Nebraska Fellowship Program
· Early College and Career Pathways (Examples)
· Digital Badges
· Master of Applied Science (online)

Next NCFAR's Lunch-N-Learn Series Features Advances in Food Science and Technology- For more than 40 years, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans have provided science-based guidance for healthy eating, yet the quality of American diets has shown limited improvement. Please make congressional contacts aware of the National Coalition on Food and Agricultural Research (NCFAR) webinar on Tuesday, September 13, 2022, 11:00 AM ET, Helping Americans Meet the Dietary Guidelines - Advances and Opportunities in Food Science and Technology, featuring Dr. Noel Anderson, Mosaic Food Advisors LLC. NCFAR’s "Lunch-N-Learn" series features experts from across the country sharing expertise on a wide range of topics. These events educate and empower staff on Capitol Hill and policy stakeholders about the value of public investment in food and agricultural research and Extension. Pre-registration here is required.

EXCITE Newsletter
- The EXCITE Newsletter is a weekly communication to provide an inclusive and concise update on important happenings related to Immunization Education. Included in the newsletter is information on workshops, resources, requests, and updates. Check out the newsletter and the means to subscribe here.