Monday, May 20, 2019

Connecting to Opportunities and Resources

The next post will occur on June 3, 2019. Please remember and honor persons who have died while serving in the United States Armed Forces on May 27. Thank you.

This blog is designed to succinctly communicate with the Cooperative Extension Section (CES) to share member-driven opportunities and resources that appeal to the work of Cooperative Extension Directors and Administrators. To compliment the ECOP Monday Minute, nearly every month Learning for Leaders, 1-hour interactive Zoom sessions, occur first Fridays, 3-4:00 PM ET. Soon ECOP will engage CES members in the topics of pesticides policy impacts, consumer perceptions on agriculture and food, the emergence of industrial hemp, adapting to climate change, and much more. All members are encouraged to contribute and stay informed! Use the full website view to search this blog and use the links found in the right-side menu. Contact the National Office for more information.

Video Textbook: National Leadership-Partnerships and Advocacy in Action - During the Public Issues Leadership Development (PILD) Conference in mid-April, Extension Administrators, Directors and Other Leaders participated in a session about federal budgets and legislative activities. Jon Boren (New Mexico State University), ECOP Budget and Legislative Committee (BLC) Chair, moderated the enlightening event that was filmed and produced by eXtension's Aaron Wiebe. The recording is archived in an ECOP YouTube playlist. All are encouraged to review and widely share:
 => Extension Leaders Consider PILD Participation (22:51) - Save the date April 5-8, 2020!
 => JCEP for the Nationally Engaged Extension Leader (11:40)
 => ECOP BLC Role of Extension Colleagues in the National Budget Process (14:24)
 => Federal Budget Process Explained by the Experts (19:12)
 => Land-grant Leaders' Guide to 116th Congress 2019 (40:32)
Contact the National Office for more information.

eXtension Seeks Input - As a member-based entity, eXtension is studying ways to improve its value to both on-going and potential member institutions. To that end, all Cooperative Extension professionals of member and non-member institutions are asked to take a 10-15 minute assessment. This feedback will be used to assess the system’s needs for current and future offerings by eXtension in the areas of organizational/professional development to increase local impact, online tools to support local solutions, innovation, and accelerating the use of technology. Use this link to learn more about eXtension’s history and respond to the assessment. Please share this information broadly. Additional contact is CEO Dr. Chris Geith at

ESP Offers Innovation-related Webinar - On Thursday, May 30, 2019 @ 12:00 PM ET, Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP), an affiliate of Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP),  will present a professional development webinar, Augmented Reality, 360 degree Images and Virtual Reality, 3D Printing & Crowd Sourcing in Extension. Click Here to view promotional flyer and agenda for webinar details and agenda.